New definition for mixed emotions. Flying with an FC that does not inspire confidence to support a POS repping op and nothing happens. Yep it was one of those nights. Starts off with a standard announced CTA. The time rolls around and immediately things start to go sideways - the FC calls for a change in loadout. Not having either an appropriate ship nor reserve modules to refit a hull, I decide to grab my interceptor.
Equipped with my trusty steed, I head towards the rally point. We start moving out soon. Sure enough thanks to the vague orders the FC managed to split the fleet while traveling to the destination. This is not normally something that gives your pilots confidence in your leadership skills. Miraculously we arrived at our destination without incident with the repair work underway. A short amount of time and we were able to return home without incident.
The good thing about this CTA was that it was a short one. This allowed me to get back to running anomalies. I'm still running anomalies a bit hap hazard instead of concentrating on the best isk per hour ones since they are new and I'm trying to get a feel for them. So far I like the Forsaken ones best as they are short and sweet and the Hub and the Rally Point have BS on every spawn.
Meanwhile like most 0.0 residence I'm getting into PI down here and getting my main alt into the corp to help out with that. Lord knows with all the large towers sprouting all over the place there's a need for POS fuel.
Civilization VII Arrives!
12 hours ago
Hmmm... that's twice you mention shoddy FC'ing. Was it the same guy?
I keep running across evidence that the ability to communicate clearly and effectively under pressure is a primary leadership skill.
Nope, but there are quite a bit of FCs in the NC all told. Some good, some middle of the road and some bad, like anywhere. Makes me appreciate the good ones more.
@toldain yep.
I've come accross fail fc's in the NC, but also fail pvp'ers as well. We've had some HD fleets up and loads of people joining up but when the call to engage gets given theres times you dont get the full fleet joining in. If only people would join HD fleet WHEN they are arranged and not just because they are told to join....
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