I feel like I'm pounding my forehead against a brick wall some days. So there I am, taking a break from a 10 part storyline mission (If I ever find out who came up with that bright idea someone is going to need to make sure his life insurance is payed up...). Wandering through high sec in my Orca buying POS fuel (side note to self, next time use an interceptor to buy the fuel and then use the Orca to pick it up once I know where I'm flying). When the following plaint is heard read in alliance chat:
"Um... are we at war with anyone?"
This from someone I haven't seen a peep out of in over 6 months.
My alarm bells go off. Someone has done something stupid and paid the price. Sure enough after a conversation that's like pulling teeth we find out that one of the "I was just minding my own buisness" types of carebears came back to the game about a month ago. Notice how he's apparently been back a month but this is the first time he pipes up in alliance chat at least that I've noticed. Turns out that 6 destroyers just suicide ganked his Hulk in high sec...
Ok, let's see, Hulkageddon II - just finished, but probably plenty of suicide gankers left over from that. Goonswarm - freshly disbanded - a bigger pool of asshats fresh out of 0.0 and feeling the need to grief to prove their e-peen. CONCORD - still munching donuts.
Why do some pilots insist on flying in such a way as to just about guarantee that they'll get ganked? Plug into what your corp/alliance is doing. This is EVE online, not Hello Kitty Online for crying outloud (sirMolle's fetish for pink not withstanding). Things that happen in 0.0 HAVE repercussions in high sec. In our case most of us are in wormhole space. This takes communications, but avoids stupid griefing. If you're going to mine in high sec, at least use mission roids. Make the gankers work for their kills, don't fly in such a way as to hand them stupid kills. Just because you're in a Hulk does not mean you have to fly it like you've got the brains of that big green humanoid....
Seriously. Grow brain and stop whining.
This post brought to you courtesy of stupid piloting.
Civilization VII Arrives!
11 hours ago
Tell whoever it is that got ganked to post his lossmail.
LOL, your "pissed off at idiots" posts are funny. :) I know the feeling.
You can feel the rage in your post, I love it ;)
Rage - no. Despair - yes. Note that it's not at the gankers in this case.
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