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Monday, December 12, 2011

CCP and their communications issues

Most of CCP seems to be learning.  Some are not.  Case in point: CCP Soundwave.  Remember this is the guy who was pushing the "greed is good" position within CCP's internal "get with the program" document.  We've all seen where that led (20% layoffs for the short attention span set).  His most recent pronouncement of wisdom? Fuel blocks! (and CCP Soundwaves wildlife safety advice)...

CCP Grayscale redeems CCP later on with a concise post about the real reasons for the delay.  But seriously man Someone needs to sit on CCP Soundwave.  Or at least restrict him to flying in space things where he's marginally competent.

CCP may be trying to improve communications but yeeeeesh.


Benoit CozmikR5 Gauthier said...

I blame Goonswarm's training doctrine...

Stabs said...

I thought it was funny.

Letrange said...

@stabs you sir probably don't manage a chain of alliance moon goo towers or a set of reaction towers for same.

Trust me, amongst that set, Soundwave's fail attempt at humor fell rather ... flat.

Stabs said...

No, indeed not. I ran a high sec pos for a while then realised I'd be happier with 10 day queues than having to fuel the bugger.

You and all nullsec pos technicians have my eternal respect.