It's been a while since I had a nice quiet class 4, plenty of time in front of me and undisturbed access to oodles of ore all at the same time. But let's back up a bit.
Last night I managed to do some ninja salvaging/codebreaking. Some corpies (yes I can say that now that the corp is slowly fleshing out) had run part of a frontier radar site before getting interrupted by some PvP. By the time I was around that had all died down and they were going to abandon the site to the BS spawns and log off. I decided to check it out... So after some scanning down of mining sites I got a copy of the book mark to the site from a departing member.
Cov-opsing to check out the situation I find there's a wrecked cruiser there... Well we can't abandon that. So I get thinking... humm ninja time. I decide that fast orbiting ab-ing t2 frigate is my best bet against sleeper battelships. So I refit my wolf a bit to be able to salvage the wrecked Talocan Cruiser. My intention was to salvage it to crack the "can" and grab the hull piece and run before the BS could a) splatter me and b) scram me. Since they were starting over 100km from the objective I figured I'd have enough time to get out of dodge.
As luck would have it... It turns out that none of these battleships agro frigates outside 100km...
blink blink...
So I get cracking on the 10 cans while I"m at it and do the entire radar site >:)
Of course as soon as I drag all of that back to the pos, a quick trip to high sec to get some missing datacores and I get some RE going on the malfunctioning and the wrecked hull piece. an hour later I have a shiny new 10 run of Loki. Mmmmmm Lokies....
The evening ends off with me mining about 11k of Arkonor.
The next day the class 4 has moved on and we're in a new one. The end result of this is finding a nice core deposit. This is where I get a good solid 6h of undisturbed mining in and get another 15k of Arkonor, 15k of Bistot, an incidental 25k of Kernite and 120k of Veldspar (for use in the wormhole itself).
Now this isn't much for some of the miners in my alliance who have been known to do crazy 14h mining ops but was still plenty sufficient for my immediate needs. Now I just need to get it to market...
Civilization VII Arrives!
12 hours ago
The out of 100km range aggro thing is interesting. We'll test it out and see for what sites we can confirm it.
Sleeper AI.. not so smart after all =)
Can I just ask about the RE thing? Not really looked into it so far... but what did you RE to get the bpc (I'm assuming). Is it 1 specific part that gives the ship bp?
I've only just got into the research field and seem to be drifting through it pretty blindly gathering datacores lol
RE=Reverse Engineering is specific to tech 3. In this case I took a Malfunctioning Hull Section with some appropriate datacores, a R.A.M.- Hybrid Technology and a Minmatar Hybrid Tech Decryptor. Like all RE jobs the materials are the same for the specific piece type (hull in this case) but the final faction of any bpc is determined by the Decryptor. For example if I'd used a Caldari Hybrid Tech Decryptor I would have ended up with a 10 run Tengu BPC instead of a 10 run Loki BPC. The 10 run is because I used a malfunctioning hull section instead of a wrecked hull section (which would have resulted in a 3 run BPC).
Thanks for that. I am slowly and hap-hazzardly training in that direction so now you have given me a definite path!
Gah! word to the wise: T2 and T3 manufacturing are not for the attention impaired. Both require large skill investment. I'd estimate that a good 1/3 to half of my almost 40mil skill points are in skills related to T2 and T3 manufacture. (I'd need to run the numbers to be sure but it certainly feels that way). Technically this includes T1 manufacture as you need to have that in place to do T2.
Yeah... it seems at least 1/2 my skills are industry and science based. I dont know how how my skill points are (i know my second char is 12mill) and my main has been around for over a year. I've been chipping away at the research skills but I am going to do some major learning over the next couple of days and may even change research agents as well to something else more usefull.
I am doing T2 Gallente manufacturing now and while I like doing it, the cost is so prohibitive, and I only have just over 11 million pts. I really do want to get into the T3 stuff, but I have a feeling I am just going to have to table it. As it is, we have to buy the T2 components, as we are totally highsec, so no moon mining. This definitely cuts into our margin. Any ideas, suggestions?
With your knowledge of these things, could you read through my latest and maybe provide me some guidance? Sorry to troll around in your comments, but had no way to send this request directly.
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