I'm currently on a weapon skill up plan. Minmatar pilots have 3 weapons we need to make sure we've mastered properly before we can consider ourselves truly competent with our ships. The first is projectiles, the second is missiles, and the third is drones. Without getting into capital ships (yet) there are 3 levels we need to worry about: Frigate (covers destroyers as well), Cruiser (BC and Industrials) and Battleship sized weapons.
By the time I get back this evening from work, Letrange will have finished getting all frigate Projectile, Missile and combat drone specializations to 4 and will be barelling into the cruiser set that I don't already have. The current plan is to have all minmatar relevant specializations finished by the end of summer.
Note that with the drone specializations covering both light and medium drones, and the fact that I've got both medium artillery and medium autocanon specializations, I'm already fine for ships like the Rapier - which tends to be a gunboat not a missile boat anyways. Some Vagabond fits however I shouldn't fly yet.
But for all those BS weapon specializations it's going to take me to the end of summer to finish getting them to 4.
In other news, found a rather hard to find grav site in high sec yesterday, got 2 jet can's worth of ore out of it. Helped out an alliance newbie with Rifter fits and probing. Found out my tendency to use the d-scan has not disappeared at all but that I really really wish CCP would make probes one of the options for the overview filters...
Also I'm apparently still in the Blog Pack.
My Last Best Hope of Getting to Mordor
20 hours ago
Hey not to disagree with you but missiles on a Minmatar? I never ever use em. Only ship I can think of off the top of my head is perhaps a rupture and an typhoon, and well split damage is shit tbh.
Yep, but it's one of those chicken and egg things. If you have good skills, split weapons isn't so bad, the problem is most pilots don't get all 3 sets up to equivalent levels (and their support skills) up in an equal manner. Besides the Typhoon really rocks once you have the skills - and I have the BPO - cheap typhoons by the dozens.
If you weren't in the CrazyKinux Blog Pack, we would have to start a revolution to get you back into it. ;)
Why not autocannons as well? I agree with manasi on the Minmatar/missle combo. I guess I'm just one of those hardcore PvPers who is totally against missles.
We will continue to ignore any attempts to remove yourself from the blogpack. The writing is too good, the topics too diverse and the author too cute.
As a Caldamarrian pilot, I find the need for specialisations in lasers, hybrids, drones, and missiles [and oddly projectiles for frigates]. I don't have them all and coming from an industrial background it's a long haul to get there. I have been specialising in the medium weapon bracket for now.
Oh and ha ha ha, CAPTCHA is 'stopnow'.
@autopilot... um I AM getting autocannons - My medium projectile specializations (both autocannon and artillery) were done months ago (before the T3 manufacturing skill stint). I'd have been embarrassed to undock my Loki without at least autocannon specialization 4.
As for Rapier being a gunboat, better think of it as a webber with drones -- its turret DPS is laughable.
True, but at least I can use the guns to almost their max efficiency (minus getting a hell of a lot of skills to 5)
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