In the blog "The second coming of Moondoggie" CCP Pleognost (how does one pronounce that?) explains that the old in game browser is getting a bit of an upgrade. If by upgrade you mean being ripped out and replaced. It's an older devblog but I'm bringing it up now since the first tests of it are now up on Sisi. My friend Cozmik R5 was able to start a blog entry from within the game. Others were able to post on the EVE-O forums from within the eve client.
Since this is based on google's Chrome browser development kit, it should allow our in-game browsing experience to significantly improve. This will allow us all to browse the internet in it's entirety from withing the EVE client. The thought I suddenly had was: humm, with Google Docs this means that a spreadsheet could be run from within EVE. I'm wondering if with web services and what not that the item data from CCP is usable from within a spreadsheet? Or if with Cosmos, this data will become accessible in this fashion. Should it become so, I can forsee some rather interesting spreadsheets developing, and being totally usable from withing EVE. Now all we need is some form of "skin" for an online spreadsheet browser and all of a sudden we'll have a truly immersible experience on the industrial front.
I know the combat bunnies will be going "so what" but all the production dudes are going "oooo yeah!". Ah EVE you are such a multiple personality beast. So the only MMO with an in-game calculator will finally have an in-game spreadsheet capability. Now all we need is some light weight accounting software to make our alliance management tasks easier and we'll be all set.
My Last Best Hope of Getting to Mordor
20 hours ago
So, if yall write blogs interesting to miners, we will now be able to find more inattentive hulks sitting around sucking up roids? or be able to slip past gatecamps that are busy watching Brittney Spears Videos on YouTube. i cant see anything wrong with this.
My only concern is one of the safety of my account and the information within this browser. I want the ability to block javascript at LEAST on a page by page basis. Maybe a default block till i allow ones I want. otherwise meta-gaming will include virus spreading via there beloved new browser and what type of stupid GD name is moondoggie, I mean come on give me a stinking break!
I never even thought about the security issues that Manasi mentioned. Though I am looking forward to it for the simple fact that'll I can now keep notes on my daily doings in eve for my blog posts rather than writing things down on paper...and then losing said paper :) lol
You mentioned my name, "interesting spreadsheets", and "accounting software" all in the same blog post. I am very, very afraid...
It was rather interesting for me to read the blog. Thanks for it. I like such topics and anything connected to them. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.
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