Member of the EVE Tweet Fleet

Monday, March 16, 2009

The weekend crazies

You know it's been a busy weekend when you wake up Monday morning and look forward to a nice relaxing week of work.

Getting an alliance underway again is a lot of organizing, trying to recruit up my own corp at the same time is also "interesting". Coming up with a loot system for any alliance level T3 stuff is also "interesting". Also "Time consuming". Add to that cousins in town, an EVE meet, dinner with friends, exploring new aspects of EVE, etc etc etc...

"Ask me for anything but time" - N. Bonaparte

But as I finally have a moment to reflect back on this, I have to say it was overall a good weekend. I am going to have to herd more cats though. A good chunk of the alliance fell back into their existing ruts once the first two or three days of apocrypha wore off. To a certain extent I'm glad as I was not looking forward to the weekend's bloodletting as the PvP'ers discovered wormhole space in force. Also I think I need to get the loot handling system in place before we start doing regular expeditions. I also need to give time for everyone to get their ships together.

Ah the worries of a CEO... Funky to have them again after the last 6 months of just drifting from objective to objective. The good news is that with all the concentration on other things, I really don't have any of that "hurry up and finish you damn skill" effect. For me these day's it's more like "oh crap another skill is finishing, quick what's next on the plan before i forget".

I've got pics on my home rig, but don't have access to them atm so no pics with this post. Was just too tired to pre-load them in the draft of the next post last night. So no pics of the funky new artillery animation.

Hopefully as things get underway the crazy will slow down.


Benoit CozmikR5 Gauthier said...

Forgot to mention "members having to bug off in a hurry". I hope this comes back to normal tonight...

Anonymous said...

You know it's been a busy weekend when you wake up Monday morning and look forward to a nice relaxing week of work.

So, so, so true.