Yep, it's a slow news week. CCP is getting back from vacation so hasn't yet gotten traction in dealing with the issues it might want to address soon-ish (like before pitchfork wielding FC's descend en mass on corporate HQ). Chribba grabs sov in 0.0 (check out N3-JBX in Scalding Pass). I need to grab 2 more melted nano-ribbons. QEN Q2 2010 is out.
0.0 looks like it is slowly devolving into roaming gang warfare where people simply give up on the military conquest as being too hard and attritional and go to a raiding mentality where you simply roam and interfere with your opponents life in hopes the other side will break and move out. So no great big campaigns at the moment (at least none that are grabbing the headlines). Looks like the carebears are winning EVE. I blame the Pax Aestas Desidiosus we are currently going through (it's latin, look it up).
Oooo and there's a new CCP Zulu devblog with CCP Oveur in the comments... Those are always fun.
The First Stop on the Way to Mordor… The Bank
2 hours ago
Ugh... I feel that I should know this, going into my fourth year of high school Latin and having attended a Latin Convention (NJCL) this summer, but...
"The Summer Peace full of..." something.
Check your EVE mails...
Just don't lose it as fast as I did :))
It's something like the lazy peace of summer which if I've translated it right is actually fairly normal in online games.
Expecting things to hot up soon. Eve doesn't seem worse than it was during the NC v SC conflict which saw huge fights. The issue is, as shown in that conflict, that the people who like to build sandcastles are better at fighting than the people who like to kick them over. Who knew?
CCP needs to get its head out its own ass. They need to step up and meet thier responsability with everything that needs fixing. They are supposed to provide a service which is failing in some ways.
I lost an expensive ship when thier system dropped my pos shields and they just claim "our logs show nothing".
People complain about log so they fix something else....
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