Still on break here. But I still follow the perambulations of EVE Online. In this vein I like to read The Mittani's column in Ten Ton Hammer. Issue 65, we find Mittens waxing philosophical. When you start comparing EVE to Orwell and Huxley, it's time to step back and take a deep breath. And although EVE is certainly a lesson in the darker side of human nature, it is, in the end, entertainment. Admittedly, stronger entertainment than you will find just about anywhere else once you play it at the level alliance leaders play it. But theoretically entertainment none the less.
But like strong drugs, liquor or any other generator of strong emotions, you would be well served by the old saw: "Everything in moderation and moderation in everything". Turning to philosophy to "find the meaning of it all" is a surefire sign that the deep end is approaching.
Instead of Orwell or Huxley, Mittens may want to look up Nietzsche instead.
""He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you"
Dude, once your CSM term is up, or earlier if necessary - take a break. Preferably before we're reading about you in the newspaper.
The Dreamlist
16 hours ago
Yeah, that piece is a mess. I think he is trying to say, "Libertarians live in a fantasy world." or maybe more charitably, "Libertarianism just doesn't work."
But there's way too much bombast and self-congratulation there.
No link to the piece from your post? Making me go look it up myself? The nerve!
TBH, my opinion of Mittens is that he has a far higher opinion of himself than is actually true. I've liked some of his columns, but a lot of them sound like he's talking out his ass trying to make himself sound smarter/deeper than he really is, and this one is no exception.
I think Mittens is wrapped a bit too tight and its starting to show...
He's im the somewhat unenviable position of having staked out a position that's far cooler than his actions suggest. For years he's been against logging in, spouting the Eve is a terrible game meme and generally being too cool for school.
His actions however - he's the leader of a huge alliance and head of the CSM. He's far more invested than any putative basement-dwelling mouthbreather. He even seems to have given up his legal career to be a full time Eve celebrity.
Can't blame him for having the odd existentialist moment.
I doubt he gave up his career in favor of EVE. More likely, in favor of a trust fund or something.
I read the piece last night and was thinking to myself the whole time, "Dude, it's a game. You know, for fun. The way you are playing it doesn't sound like much fun."
I am a happy, but wise to the dark neighborhood, high-sec dweller who loves the shiny ships in EvE, playing market PvP, and doing whatever I feel like in-game whenever I want, i.e. it's a sandbox.
Those who choose to wall themselves into their own constructs in a sandbox, well I can't help but pity them. Take a break. Do something different. Roll an alt.
@Magson, ok, ok, I put the link in...
@Mynxee, I think he was objective oriented until BOB was killed. Then he suddenly found himself holding a tiger by the tail and has since been trying to deal. Not necessarily successfully. Oh, btw, you still on break?
@Stabs, I guess you're right, but I still maintain that once you start looking into philosophy to try and understand how you ended up where you are, it's time to take a reality check. And you better not fumble that roll. What doesn't help is that he's coming at it from an organization that espouses a distopian view of our current society anyways. And surrounded by people that reinforce their view.
After reading that, I am once again confused.
I can understand the appeal of going where you are allowed, nay encouraged, to indulge your baser instincts. "Lord of the Flies" would seem like a better literary analogy about the problems when boys are left unchaperoned.
But I can in no way understand why a for-profit company would spend quite a lot of money to appeal to them. Perhaps that is why CCP is investing in consoles and WoD; there isn't much about the EO customer base that would make them an attractive target audience and much that would make them high maintenance.
I, for one, love Mittens. I visit his Twitter every day hoping to garner wisdom from his words, or at the very least, a lol or two.
I also find his wit quite appealing, and his articles very entertaining. Eve with no Mittens is no Eve at all...
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