Still on break here. But I still follow the perambulations of EVE Online. In this vein I like to read The Mittani's column in Ten Ton Hammer. Issue 65, we find Mittens waxing philosophical. When you start comparing EVE to Orwell and Huxley, it's time to step back and take a deep breath. And although EVE is certainly a lesson in the darker side of human nature, it is, in the end, entertainment. Admittedly, stronger entertainment than you will find just about anywhere else once you play it at the level alliance leaders play it. But theoretically entertainment none the less.
But like strong drugs, liquor or any other generator of strong emotions, you would be well served by the old saw: "Everything in moderation and moderation in everything". Turning to philosophy to "find the meaning of it all" is a surefire sign that the deep end is approaching.
Instead of Orwell or Huxley, Mittens may want to look up Nietzsche instead.
""He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you"
Dude, once your CSM term is up, or earlier if necessary - take a break. Preferably before we're reading about you in the newspaper.
Battle of the Evil Guards
7 hours ago